Jakub Holec
Přírodověda, přírodopis a biologie v RVP – na co se zaměřit v budoucích revizích?
Číslo: 2/2020
Periodikum: Biologie-Chemie-Zeměpis
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2020.2.3
Klíčová slova: kurikulum, živá příroda, biologie, tvorba a revize kurikula, rámcový vzdělávací program
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The main aim of the text is to inform teachers, researchers and the broader public with an interest in education
about what has already been done in preparation for the national curriculum revision and to summarize, for a wider
discussion, the basic starting points for reviewing the framework of the Czech curriculum in the fields of life science and
biology education. For the revision of the curriculum, the importance of cooperation within the disciplinary community
consisting of teachers, university researchers, members of organizations and institutions participating in the life science
and biology education of pupils at all levels of the educational system is observed. The article provides information about
an initial survey, a questionnaire, and subsequent discussions with teachers. Furthermore, an analytical study for life
science and biology education is mentioned. The article also proposes broader concepts of biological education for further
discussion and outlines a possible procedure to revise the biology curriculum in the FEP, including the conditions that
are crucial for the implementation of the curriculum framework. The proposal for revision of the curriculum is based
on an emphasis on core disciplinary ideas and sharing the experience of teachers and other educators (academics, representatives
of non-profit organizations in the field of biology education, etc.) with suggestions for developing scientific