Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery
Číslo: 3/2020
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Martina Šochmanová
Psychometric properties of the Czech version of the tool - screening for early eating disorder signs...
Lucie Sikorová, Tatiana Valiašková
Swallowing disorders in elderly patients with neurological deficits
Hana Lukšová, Jana Veřmiřovská
Mother-infant bonding in the postpartum period and its predictors
Lucia Mazúchová, Simona Kelčíková, Andrea Porubská, Nora Malinovská, Marián Grendár
The relationship between self-esteem of nurses and their choice of strategies to cope with workload ...
Lucia Dimunová, Anna Bérešová, Jana Raková, Ivana Rónyová, Terézia Fertaľová
Women's control and participation in decision-making during childbirth in relation to satisfaction
Lucia Mazúchová, Simona Kelčíková, Linda Štofaníková, Nora Malinovská
Neuromuscular taping application opportunities in nursing
Heri Kristianto, Agung Waluyo, Em Yunir, Dewi Gayatri, David Blow