Journal of Competitiveness
Číslo: 4/2017
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Editor’s Letter
David Tuček
Examination of factors affecting the implementation of organizational changes
Ján Dobrovič, Veronika Timková
Marketing challenges for south african public sector business incubator
Walter James Donaldson, Alexandrina Maria Pauceanu
The factors influencing college students’ choice of elective subjects
Eva Kolářová, Vendula Kolářová
Is the regional divergence a price for the international convergence? The case of the visegrad group
Marta Kuc
How a supply chain process matters in firms’ performance-an empirical evidence of Pakistan
Ziaullah Muhammad, Feng Yi, Naz Akhter Shumaila
The role of biofuels in food commodity prices volatility and land use
Judit Oláh, Péter Lengyel, Péter Balogh, Mónika Harangi-Rákos, József Popp
The key factors influencing clients’ decision-making in the market of selected planned healthcare in...
Pavla Staňková, Jana Horkelová, Jana Lučzewská, Juliana Tichá, Soňa Zimčíková, ...
The composite leading indicator for german business cycle
Andrea Tkacova, Beata Gavurova, Marcel Behun
Towards competitive regional development through clusters
Manuela Tvaronavičienė, Kristina Razminienė
Comparison of requirements for brand managers responsible for competitiveness of brands
Zuzana Wroblowská