Nikola Papežová
Evaluace tří výukových programů s tématikou permakultury
Číslo: 2/2018
Periodikum: Envigogika
DOI: 10.14712/18023061.571
Klíčová slova: environmental education, sustainable development, education efficiency
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This research is focus at an evaluation of three environmental education programs. These are based on the methodological materials created within the framework of a project supported by ministry of the environment “Natural Architects”, inspired by the international project “Children in permaculture”. The tutorials were designed for pupils of the 4th and 5th grade and were focused on getting acquainted with permaculture, its principles and its use for everyday life. The evaluation of all three teaching programs in the form of pretest and posttest shows that all three programs significantly increase pupils' knowledge of the given subject. Overall, the newly created learning programs can be evaluated as a benefit supplement for the extension of the elementary school curriculum.