Michaela Kočišová, Milan Fiľo, Jaroslava Kádárová
Suggestions for Integrated BSC-DEA Implementation in the Industry 4.0 Company
Číslo: 3/2024
Periodikum: Quality Innovation Prosperity
DOI: 10.12776/qip.v28i3.2061
Klíčová slova: Balanced Scorecard;Data Envelopment Analysis; Industry 4.0; process;model
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Methodology/Approach: The integration uses BSC to identify KPIs, which are then applied in the DEA model. This allows an Industry 4.0 company to benchmark performance and optimise resource use through targeted improvements.
Findings: This research overview presents a structured approach to understanding the proposal for applying the integrated BSC-DEA model in an Industry 4.0 company. Continuous feedback, data validation, and periodic reviews ensure that the model facilitates sustainable performance improvement.
Research Limitation/implication: The proposed implementation process requires a substantial commitment of time and resources, along with support from all levels of the Industry 4.0 company.
Originality/Value of paper: The research presented in this paper introduces novel concepts, methodologies, and findings that advance the current state of knowledge. The originality of this work is demonstrated through innovative approaches to existing problems, as well as the analysis and synthesis of diverse ideas to develop new theoretical processes, models, and practical implications.