Lukáš Rokos, Lenka Pavlasová, Milan Junášek, Romana Matějková, Jitka Pražáková, Blanka Škantová, Jiří Švehla, Štěpánka Zikmundová
Pozorování ptáků na nezamrzlých vodních plochách
Číslo: 3/2019
Periodikum: Biologie-Chemie-Zeměpis
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2019.3.2
Klíčová slova: výuka přírodopisu, exkurze, pozorování ptáků, science teaching, field trip, birdwatching
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teaching and to present the products of nature in their natural environment. This proposal is focused on field trip during
winter season in which the students observe the birds on non-frozen bodies of water and it is intended for primary and lower
secondary students. Both field trips are divided into initial phase at school, the phase in the field and the summary performed
at school again. Students in both cases solve the worksheets and learn to cooperate in the group during dealing with
different tasks. These tasks are designed as lower levels of inquiry so these worksheets are suitable for students with minimal
inquiry experience. They will also learn how to recognize different species of birds and observe their behavior, which are the
main research procedures in vertebral zoology. The field trip was performed with the students from primary level and students
from lower cycle of grammar school. We present both modification of worksheets in this paper based on different age
of students. It was verified that proposed materials are applicable into the practice at both selected educational levels.