Jan Řezníček
Ptačí kostra a její znaky
Číslo: 2/2017
Periodikum: Biologie-Chemie-Zeměpis
Klíčová slova: kostra, pták, znaky kostry, avian skeleton, characteristics
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The article describes skeleton features of the avian species. It is aimed at specific features, developed solely at the avian
skeleton. The article mentions some features of the dinosaur taxon, especially those that distinguish the birds and the
dinosaurs. The article emphasizes the evolutionary trend of the birds, where the structural schematics of the skeleton
trends towards three features present only in the avian species. These features are: 1) short tail with no muscles,
2) strongly developed pectoral muscles and V-shaped clavicle bone (furcula), 3) specific built of legs that are primarily
used for running.
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skeleton. The article mentions some features of the dinosaur taxon, especially those that distinguish the birds and the
dinosaurs. The article emphasizes the evolutionary trend of the birds, where the structural schematics of the skeleton
trends towards three features present only in the avian species. These features are: 1) short tail with no muscles,
2) strongly developed pectoral muscles and V-shaped clavicle bone (furcula), 3) specific built of legs that are primarily
used for running.