MT Method for Anomaly Detection and Classification using EM-λ Algorithm

Katsuhiko Tateishi, Hiroki Iwamoto, Shinto Eguchi, Yasushi Nagata

MT Method for Anomaly Detection and Classification using EM-λ Algorithm

Číslo: 1/2024
Periodikum: Quality Innovation Prosperity
DOI: 10.12776/qip.v28i1.1964

Klíčová slova: MTmethod; Anomaly detection; Semisupervised Learning, Classification, EM-λ algorithms

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Anotace: Purpose: In this paper, we propose a method to classify and detect normal, known anomalies, and unknown anomalies by combining the expectation–maximisation (EM-λ) algorithm and the Mahalanobis–Taguchi (MT) method.

Methodology/Approach: The proposed method learns normal data that are expected to be homogeneous and known abnormal data and performs classification and detection by parameter estimation using the EM-λ algorithm. Conventional methods perform analysis based on parameter estimation using the EM algorithm. However, the EM algorithm can degrade classification accuracy if it does not assume that the data fits the model's generative process.

Findings: We verify the performance of the proposed method using artificially generated data and real-world bean data for classification as data that do not satisfy this assumption. The validation results show up to 6% improvement over the conventional method in classification accuracy and unknown anomaly discrimination accuracy.

Research Limitation/implication: We try various patterns for the parameter of the proposed method in the verification. However, this way is computationally expensive.

Originality/Value of paper: Conventional methods perform analysis based on parameter estimation using the EM algorithm. Our proposal method seeks to improve accuracy by using the EM-λ algorithm for parameter estimation, which is expected to improve classification accuracy when the data do not conform to the generative assumptions of the EM algorithm's model.