Pavel Pešout
Vývoj institucionálního zabezpečení státní ochrany přírody a krajiny v České republice
Číslo: 2/2020
Periodikum: Životné prostredie
Klíčová slova: nature conservation and landscape protection, historical development, state administration of the Czech Republic
Pro získání musíte mít účet v Citace PRO.
This article describes the gradual development of institutional conservation and protection of nature and the landscape in the current territory of the Czech Republic. The nature and landscape protection at the rise of Romanticism at the beginning of the nineteenth century was mainly due to the efforts of enlightened estate-owners. Federal protection of natural monuments then began to develop in 1861 after enactment of the civil right of association in the Austrian monarchy constitution. State nature protection then began construction at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, but this advance remained part of the imperi-al-royal administration. However, establishment of the independent Czechoslovak Republic in 1918 inspired the combination of state nature protection and monument care to form part of the Ministry of Education and National Enlightenment. This united nature and monument care lasted until 1990, excluding a short period during WWII. Finally, the Ministry of the Environment was established in the Czech Republic following the Velvet Revolution, and a system of state and landscape protection was gradually developed. This culminated in 2017 with the legal establishment of all Czech national parks.