A freeze-dried, viable, dispersed and stable formulation of the “liquid intra-vesical immunotherapy bcg moreau® finlay”

Ydalis Griñan Bell, Isis H. García, Tamara Z. Hernández, María Elena Sarmiento, Armando Acosta Domínguez, Elizabeth Aznar Gonzalez, Martha Carralero Tamayo, Concepción Campa Huergo, Lukas Hleba, Mohammad Ali Shariati, Muhammad Imran, Sergey Plygun, Alexy Laishevtcev, V. Gustavo Sierra González

A freeze-dried, viable, dispersed and stable formulation of the “liquid intra-vesical immunotherapy bcg moreau® finlay”

Číslo: 5/2019/2020
Periodikum: Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences
DOI: 10.15414/jmbfs.2020.9.5.1023-1028

Klíčová slova: BCG Moreau sub-strain, bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG), intra-vesical immunotherapy, anti-tumours products, viability, dispersion - freeze- drying

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