Student Management in Improving Cadet Discipline at the Aceh Malahayati Shipping Polytechnic, Indonesia

Nanak Pamungkas Prastyo, Niswanto Niswanto, Bahrun Bahrun

Student Management in Improving Cadet Discipline at the Aceh Malahayati Shipping Polytechnic, Indonesia

Číslo: 2-3/2023
Periodikum: Path of Science
DOI: 10.22178/pos.90-3

Klíčová slova: Management; Students; Discipline

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Anotace: This study aimed to determine: Student management planning and implementation in improving cadets' discipline at the Malahayati Aceh Shipping Polytechnic and the Obstacles faced in managing students in improving cadets' discipline. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The subjects of this study were directors, heads of academic administration and cadets, instructors/lecturers/teachers, and cadets and cadets. The results of the study are: 1) Planning for cadet and cadet management at the Malahayati Aceh Shipping Polytechnic is carried out based on vision and mission and consists of a) planning for the acceptance of cadets and cadets; b) planning for character development for cadets and cadets; c) planning the implementation of cadets and cadets' learning; and d) planning for the implementation of cadet and cadet learning evaluations. 2) The implementation of cadet and cadet management is by carrying out all regulations such as the cadet and cadet regulations as well as procedures that have been previously arranged and the implementation of all planned programs, namely the implementation of cadet and cadet admissions new, implementation of character training, implementation of learning, and implementation of learning evaluation; 3) The obstacles faced in carrying out student management to improve the discipline of cadets and cadets are not too heavy. The obstacles encountered are only internal, namely between caregivers, instructors and cadets and cadets.