Bui Vu Minh, Anh-Vu Le, Van-Duc Phan, Thu-Ha Thi Pham
Self-Energy Recycling in DF Full-Duplex Relay Network
Číslo: 1/2024
Periodikum: Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v22i1.5528
Klíčová slova: Full-duplex, Self-energy recycling, Outage probability, Intercept probability, Decode-and- forward
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curity (PLS) reliability of concurrent wireless com-
munications. A decode and forward (DF) full-duplex
(FD) network with the impact of an eavesdropper was
proposed to evaluate the security and reliability. Es-
sentially, the DF-FD relay adopted the power-splitting
(PS) protocol to gather energy from the source and si-
multaneously utilized the self-energy recycling (S-ER)
technique by manipulating the loopback interference to
increase the harvested energy. By constructing closed-
form expressions for outage probability (OP) and in-
tercept probability (IP), we offer the trade-off analysis
between them. Monte Carlo simulation was conducted
to verify the analytical formulations. Furthermore, the
key parameters were also examined to play an impor-
tant role in selecting the suitable trade-off for the pro-
posed system.