Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo
Číslo: 2/2020
Pro získání musíte mít účet v Citace PRO.
The beginnings of museology
Milan Popadić
Museum education in the context of socio-cultural changes in the countries of Eastern Europe (using ...
Renata Pater, Oleksiy Karamanov
Museum education in semi-peripheries
Dominik Porczyński, Lenka Vargová
Values, strengths and futures of museums, libraries and community centres as seen by experts in the ...
János Tóth
Franz Beranek and his activities in Slovakia
Tomáš Kubisa
The extinction of the Ukrainian culture of the Polish-Ukrainian-Slovak borderland and the image of t...
Roman Drozd, Michal Šmigeľ
Review of the exhibition
Oskar Rojewski