Jana Kliková, Lenka Brunclíková
"On skočí do konťáku a já mu svítím“
Číslo: 1-2/2018
Periodikum: AntropoWebzin
Klíčová slova: gender; dumpster diving; food waste; sexual division of labour; hygiene perception
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Abstract—The aim of this paper is to present the find-ings from our research on dumpster diving. We areinterested in the ways that gender influences the be-haviour of people who participate in dumpster diving,and how the gender differences of participants affecttheir perception of dumpster diving. Our research wasconducted in the Pilsen Region on people who are en-gaged in dumpster diving or were engaged in this ac-tivity in the past. Our research shows important dif-ferences between the standpoint regarding dumpsterdiving of men and women, not only during the phaseof getting the groceries out of the dumpster, but alsoduring the process of preparing meals. It has been re-vealed that fundamental factors regarding this stand-point are the different perceptions of cleanliness anddirt. Research considering gender role division high-lights that men are usually less engaged in those house-hold tasks that are considered feminine, therefore mostof the housework is done by women. The dominant fea-ture of this sphere is activities connected to food, suchas grocery shopping and cooking. Does the gender di-vision of tasks manifest in the similar manner duringdumpster diving?