Non-unitary transformation of quantum time-dependent non-hermitian systems

Mustapha Maamache

Non-unitary transformation of quantum time-dependent non-hermitian systems

Číslo: 6/2017
Periodikum: Acta Polytechnica
DOI: 10.14311/AP.2017.57.0424

Klíčová slova: Non-Hermitian quantum mechanics, Time-dependent Hamiltonian systems, non-unitary time-dependent transformation, Nehermitská kvantová mechanika, časově závislý hamiltonovský systém, nejednotná časově závislá transformace

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Anotace: We provide a new perspective on non-Hermitian evolution in quantum mechanics by emphasizing the same method as in the Hermitian quantum evolution. We first give a precise description of the non unitary transformation and the associated evolution, and collecting the basic results around it and postulating the norm preserving. This cautionary postulate imposing that the time evolution of a non Hermitian quantum system preserves the inner products between the associated states must not be read naively. We also give an example showing that the solutions of time-dependent non Hermitian Hamiltonian systems given by a linear combination of SU(1,1) and SU(2) are obtained thanks to time-dependent non-unitary transformation.