Amine Sabek, Jakub Horák, Hussam Musa, Amélia Ferreira da Silva
Bankruptcy Prediction Using First-Order Autonomous Learning Multi-Model Classifier
Číslo: 4/2024
Periodikum: Statistika
DOI: 10.54694/stat.2024.30
Klíčová slova: Bankruptcy prediction, first-order, autonomous learning, Multi-Model Classifier, Principal Components Analysis
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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to propose a first-order autonomous learning classifier (F-O ALMM0) for predicting bankruptcy of business entities and individuals.
Design/methodology/approach: The data file contained a total of 352 companies obtained from the Kaggle database and incorporating 83 financial ratios. Initially, the model's performance was assessed as a preliminary step, but the results were average, followed by the application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to enhance the quality of the input’s variables. Afterwards, the number of independent variables was reduced to 26. Thus, the results were improved.