Modified Octagonal Photonic Crystal Fiber for Residual Dispersion Compensation over Telecommunication Bands

R. Ahmad, M. Komanec, D. Suslov, S. Zvanovec

Modified Octagonal Photonic Crystal Fiber for Residual Dispersion Compensation over Telecommunication Bands

Číslo: 1/2018
Periodikum: Radioengineering Journal
DOI: 10.13164/re.2018.0010

Klíčová slova: Finite element method, negative flat dispersion, residual dispersion compensation, high birefringence, photonic crystal fiber, Metoda konečných prvků, negativní plochá disperze, zbytková kompenzace disperze, vysoká dvojfrekvence, fotonická krystalická vlákna

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Anotace: A modified Octagonal Photonic Crystal Fiber (MO-PCF) is proposed and numerically investigated for the purpose of residual dispersion compensation in the optical transmission link. The results show that the proposed fiber with optimized parameters exhibits ultra-flattened negative dispersion over a 300 nm band from 1380 nm to 1680 nm with an average chromatic dispersion of -506 ps/(nm·km) and an absolute variation of 11.3 ps/(nm·km). In addition to large negative dispersion, the proposed MO-PCF also exhibits high birefringence in the order of 0.0207 at the wavelength of 1550 nm. The proposed MO-PCF can be advantageously used especially for residual chromatic dispersion compensation in the wavelength-division-multiplexing optical fiber transmission system. The proposed fiber is easy to fabricate and is tolerant to manufacturing imperfections.