Social Isolation, Social Support,  and Radicalisation of Adolescents

Magdaléna Hovanová, Katarína Šiňanská

Social Isolation, Social Support, and Radicalisation of Adolescents

Číslo: 1/2024
Periodikum: Sociální práce

Klíčová slova: social isolation, social support, radicalisation, adolescence

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Anotace: OBJECTIVES: The objective of this paper is to describe and test the relationships between social

isolation, social support, and radicalisation, and to determine which factors of social support and
social isolation predict radicalisation in Slovak secondary school students. THEORETICAL
BASE: The paper is based on the definition of the determinants of radicalisation in the form
of the concepts of social isolation and social support, in the context of the developmental period
of adolescence. METHODS: In a quantitative, representative research, research was conducted
through correlational calculations and simple linear regressions. OUTCOMES: Research findings
have significantly demonstrated that adolescents who are less socially isolated among peers outside
of the school environment tend to be more radicalised. Also, the greater the degree of social
support adolescents have from their close sources, the less radicalised they are. SOCIAL WORK
IMPLICATIONS: Research findings may serve as a starting point for social workers and other
helping professionals working with adolescents at risk of radicalisation, specifically for those
working in primary prevention in school settings and with the potential to link the adolescent,
their family, school, and community.