Elena Čipková, Zuzana Balážová, Štefan Karolčík
Rozvíjanie prírodovednej gramotnosti žiakov gymnázia prostredníctvom bádateľsky orientovaného vyučovania
Číslo: 2/2017
Periodikum: Biologie-Chemie-Zeměpis
Klíčová slova: badatelsky orientované vyučování, přírodovědná gramotnost, inquiry based education, science literacy
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The development of science literacy is an important aim of science education. A scientifically literate individual is able to distinguish
information based on scientific research from information that is not, make correct decisions beneficial to the world of nature,
to their own lives, and to the society, on the basis of critical assessment and evaluation of evidence-based arguments. Examples of
selected learning activities aimed at solving problems through students’ research using computer-supported laboratory of natural
sciences are presented in this article. On the basis of achieved results, we state that it is possible to the students in developing their
science literacy through targeted use of teaching methods and approaches aimed at students’ own experimentation.
However, widening the space for solving problems, realisation of students’ experimental activities, collection and analysis of the
data and application of thereby acquired knowledge requires strengthening of education of natural sciences subjects.
This can be achieved through increase of lessons existing natural sciences classes per week or through inclusion of a new subject
which would provide space for the application of cross-section topics and active solving of problems through students’ research.
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information based on scientific research from information that is not, make correct decisions beneficial to the world of nature,
to their own lives, and to the society, on the basis of critical assessment and evaluation of evidence-based arguments. Examples of
selected learning activities aimed at solving problems through students’ research using computer-supported laboratory of natural
sciences are presented in this article. On the basis of achieved results, we state that it is possible to the students in developing their
science literacy through targeted use of teaching methods and approaches aimed at students’ own experimentation.
However, widening the space for solving problems, realisation of students’ experimental activities, collection and analysis of the
data and application of thereby acquired knowledge requires strengthening of education of natural sciences subjects.
This can be achieved through increase of lessons existing natural sciences classes per week or through inclusion of a new subject
which would provide space for the application of cross-section topics and active solving of problems through students’ research.