Pavla Marečková
(Ne)ztraceno v překladu
Číslo: 3/2019-2020
Periodikum: Cizí jazyky
Klíčová slova: foreign language teaching, foreign language learning, mediation, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, CEFR-Companion Volume with New Descriptors, communicative approach, intercultural communicative competence.
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Mediation of communication or mediation in a foreign language is currently understood as
the fourth language activity in addition to the reception, production and interaction. Although
embedded in CEFR since 2001, it does not receive sufficient attention in the Czech Republic.
The CEFR Companion Volume with Descriptors from 2018 clearly shows that this issue is
one of the priorities of contemporary language education. The aim of the present contribution
is to stimulate the interest of professionals on this issue and to contribute to the innovation
of the foreign language teaching methodology.