The article discusses theoretical and practical issues of child care for under three-yearold children. The article looks at the issue from three perspectives which affect injustices. Firstly, in terms of every day struggles for recognition, which should have been understood as full-fledged activity with appropriate social status. Secondly, in terms of redistribution of public resources and financial reward for caring for children under the age of three. Thirdly, in terms of political injustice, which will inevitably limit people’s capacity to engage in all kinds of civic and political activity. Following the Nancy Fraser’s thinking, article shows that is it necessary to understand recognition and redistribution unconditionally but in the unified horizon. The structures of injustice for children under the age of three are connected and only one of these approaches is not able to solve injustice. The article brings, with the helping hands of critical methods, new perspectives, and approaches to care issues that target breaking actions of national Czech Republic norms and remove rigid social and institutional systems and policies that structure inequality on this field.