Karel Hausenblas a metapragmatika

Milada Hirschová

Karel Hausenblas a metapragmatika

Číslo: 3/2024
Periodikum: Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philologica
DOI: 10.14712/24646830.2024.27

Klíčová slova: metalanguage; reflexive communication; relevance theory; metapragmatic awareness; cognitive status of information; accessibility theory

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Anotace: The paper refers to certain impulses included in three articles authored by K. Hausenblas. One of them defining the most general notions in the field of verbal communication has become an impetus for re-thinking other Hausenblas’s findings concerning the description of communication activities as well as the use of proper names in the samples of Czech prose. The present paper suggests the possibility to evolve Hausenblas’s ideas from the viewpoint of reflexive metapragmatic/metalingual operations (metacognitive functions of proper names, metarepresentative and metadiscourse properties in the works of prose analysed by Hausenblas).