Our study aims to explore the influences of trait competitiveness and entrepreneurial alertness on the cognitive process of entrepreneurship in the cross-cultural context of Vietnam and Poland, two emerging nations with different levels of economic and social development. To achieve this research goal, two student questionnaire surveys were carried out at universities and institutes in Vietnam and Poland. Structural equation modelling (SEM) with a bootstrapping approach was utilised to test the proposed hypotheses and conceptual model. Eight hypotheses were statistically supported by the Vietnamese dataset, confirming the significant and positive effects of both trait competitiveness and entrepreneurial alertness on the cognition process of entrepreneurship. However, for the Polish data, trait competitiveness was not found to be associated with an entrepreneurial attitude, perceived behaviour control, or entrepreneurial intention, while entrepreneurial alertness was positively related to perceived behavioural control. Our study has significantly contributed to the entrepreneurship literature by increasing the knowledge about the central role of trait competitiveness and entrepreneurial alertness on the cognitive process of business ventures in two emerging countries, where to the best of our knowledge, few studies related to our topic have been researched. Moreover, practical contributions are also offered for educational institutions and practitioners to stimulate university students’ business venturing activities.