Given the rapid advance and the growing influence of social media, the need to research this unique phenomenon becomes more apparent and urgent. This research examines the influence of social media marketing activities (SMMA) on Brand Equity, in the case of bottled water brands. Additionally, it offers a research model that investigates both direct and indirect effects of SMMA on Brand Equity, where Brand Trust is used as a mediator. A quantitative method was used to investigate the most popular domestic and foreign brands of bottled water in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with all 518 respondents being both bottled water consumers and social media users. Furthermore, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were performed to assess the reliability of the scales, while structural equation modeling was used to estimate the proposed hypotheses of the research. The obtained measurement results revealed that SMMA have a direct impact on Brand Trust and Brand Equity, keeping in mind that Brand Trust mediates the link between SMMA and Brand Equity. Therefore, the aims of the study are threefold: to increase the knowledge about social media, to shed more light on the relationship between SMMA, Brand Trust, and Brand Equity, as well as to help organizations recognize the benefits of using and investing in social media. Due to the fact that this research was conducted on brands in Bosnia and Herzegovina, research in another country can yield different results, given a different culture, mentality, and general educational and material status.