The Automated Translation of Natural Language Sentences into Intensional Logic at the Type Analysis and Construction Synthesis Levels

Branislav Bednár, Zuzana Bilanová, Adrián Pekár

The Automated Translation of Natural Language Sentences into Intensional Logic at the Type Analysis and Construction Synthesis Levels

Číslo: 4/2019
Periodikum: Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica
DOI: 10.15546/aeei-2019-0023

Klíčová slova: intensional constructions, intensional logic, natural language processing, Stanford CoreNLP, semantic machine, syntactic analyzer

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Anotace: This paper describes the theoretical design and implementation of the semantic machine of transparent intensional logic. Transparent intensional logic is used for the logical-semantic analysis of natural language, which is performed in three steps - type analysis, creation of construction, and type control (last step is optional). The semantic machine described in this paper allows analyzing natural language sentences in the first two of the mentioned steps. Transparent intensional logic analyzes the meaning of natural language sentences and therefore it was not essential to focus on the syntactic level of analysis. Syntactic analysis is performed using a Stanford CoreNLP parser, which was carefully selected after comparison with competing parsers. The functionality of the implemented semantic machine is demonstrated by a logical analysis of examples of natural language sentences.