Martina Jiránková
Průmyslová politika zemí BRICS jako nástroj státního kapitalismu
Číslo: 1/2017
Periodikum: Acta Oeconomica Pragensia
DOI: 10.18267/j.aop.565
Klíčová slova: state capitalism, industrial policy, BRICS, global value chains, Státní kapitalismus, průmyslová politika, skupiny BRICS, globální hodnotové řetězce
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of their development. First, the importance of industrial policy is stated. There are numerous
approaches to it: the extreme ones are the neoliberal approach, advocating no interventions of
the state in the market; the other extreme is interventions either directly by subsidies to chosen
branches or indirectly by building institutional surroundings which are comfortable for industrial
development. The development of theoretical approaches to industrial policy is also discussed:
from structuralists to new structuralists, who try to connect a market as the main mechanism with
an industrial policy. Industrial policies practised in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are
then described. Some statistical data are given which illustrate the position of the BRICS countries
in the present-day world as for their industrial performance. China seems to be the relatively most
successful in this respect. Finally, some questions concerning state capitalism and industrial policy
are discussed.