Muhib Ullah, Shahid Ghazi, Muhammad Jehangir Khan, Mubashir Mehmood
Geospatial Analysis of Landslide and Assessing its Risk Along the Swat Motorway, Pakistan
Číslo: 3/2024
Periodikum: Acta Montanistica Slovaca
DOI: 10.46544/AMS.v29i3.13
Klíčová slova: Geospatial analysis; Geographic Information System (GIS); Risk assessment; Landslide susceptibility mapping; Swat Motorway
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highlighting the need for effective landslide susceptibility mapping.
This research focuses on creating a map showing landslide
susceptibility along the Swat Motorway using Remote sensing (RS)
and geographic information system (GIS) methods. The objective is
to assess the spatial distribution of landslide-prone areas along the
motorway corridor, aiding in informed decision-making for
infrastructure development and risk mitigation measures. The study
begins by collecting and analyzing relevant geological,
geomorphological, and climatic data to identify factors contributing
to landslide occurrences. This includes slope gradient, lithology, land
cover, rainfall intensity, and land use patterns. Remote sensing data,
such as satellite imagery and digital elevation models, are utilized to
extract information on land surface characteristics and terrain
attributes. GIS-based techniques are employed to integrate and
analyze the collected data, employing various spatial analysis tools
and algorithms to locate potential landslide locations. The Weighted
Overlay Method is applied to assign weights and combine the
different factors, generating a landslide susceptibility index. Based
on the landslide susceptibility map, this research aims to identify and
discuss the areas along the highway that are extremely vulnerable to
landslides. After creating a map of the Swat Motorway's landslide
susceptibility, numerous zones that are prone to landslides were
found. Two of these zones are particularly prone to landslides. The
creation of a susceptibility map of landslides provides valuable
information for planning land use, management of infrastructure, and
hazard mitigation along the Swat Motorway. It identifies high-risk
zones prone to landslides, enabling policymakers and engineers to
make informed decisions regarding the construction of new roads,
slope stabilization, and implementation of early warning systems.
The results of this research add knowledge to the already-existing
knowledge on susceptibility mapping of landslides, specifically in the
context of the Swat Motorway. By utilizing GIS and RS techniques,
the study demonstrates an effective and efficient approach for
assessing landslide hazards along transportation corridors.