Petr Dlask, Jaroslava Tomankova
Užitné vzory jako inspirace pro byznys
Číslo: 1/2016
Periodikum: Business & IT
DOI: 10.14311/bit.2016.01.03
Klíčová slova: Utility model, heating stone; translucent stone; impregnated stone
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Nowadays, there are many possibilities and conditions for individual business ideas. At first glance, it may seem that restrictions come from not getting the necessary funds. The fact is that funds are only a secondary issue. The primary one is the quality of the business idea. If the idea is good and sufficiently inventive, raising the necessary investment resources is not a problem. Utility models registered through the Industrial Property Office present a broad potential for invention. The authors offer an insight into the submitted innovative practices associated with traditional building materials, such as stone. Its use in construction has a long-standing tradition, and new manufacturing and processing methods offer new opportunities for unconventional business.