Jiří Procházka, Jaroslav Pollert
Optimizing efficiency of the combined sewer overflow chamber hobas
Číslo: 6/2020
Periodikum: Acta Polytechnica
DOI: 10.14311/AP.2020.60.0493
Klíčová slova: Rain separator, physical model, unified sewer system, overflow chamber, pressure losses, environment, CSO Hobas Chamber
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At the same time, the optimal shape of individual rods of swinging self-clean bars was investigated, so that the oscillation of the free ends of the rods supports the separation and self-cleaning function during their operation. The research was conducted on a 1 : 1 scale model, so that impurities present in the CSO during the overflow (i.e. textile, cosmetic handkerchiefs, feminine hygiene products, condoms and others) could be used directly in the measurement. At the end of the experiments, the variants of the rods of screen bars that were the most effective in the separation and self-cleaning function were selected. The self-cleaning effect, which occurs at the end of the rain event and ensures that the CSO
is free of impurities and ready for further use, was subsequently tested with the selected variant of the rods.