Purpose: Data availability has resulted in an incredible increase due to the widespread adoption of electronic technologies. Companies are coping with huge amount of information which is awaiting to be exploited. Meanwhile, scholars are providing different methods and techniques to help companies capture the to be able to encourage innovation and improve the efficiency of existing processes, they've embedded value In their data. The data is a byproduct of these researches. Methodology / design Based on three instances used as illustrations for new ideas, the research relies on an exploratory multiple case study analysis. The collected data is, in particular, examined based on models previously provided in the literature review and built upon and expanded. The findings: Research takes a data - driven approach to development and also includes an unusual view on the development process. The trigger point is that there's a need for information that will permit the entire development process of a complex system to start. In this perspective, the application of data is a by-product of data. The entire innovation process, and not the primary outcome; This is unusual because nearly all literature is regarded as data the byproduct of the key product. Implications in practical matters Results provide a development process to inspire innovation, relying on the need for data as a trigger point, leading business people and managers through the construction process of the entire digital system.