Ronalds Skulme, Valerijs Praude
Social Media Metrics Importance and Usage Frequency in Latvia
Číslo: 30/2017
Periodikum: Trendy ekonomiky a managementu
DOI: 10.13164/trends.2017.30.49
Klíčová slova: Social media, social media metrics, social media frameworks, social media metrics importance, Latvia, Sociální média, metriky sociálních médií, rámce sociálních médií, význam sociálních médií, Lotyšsko
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Methodology/methods: In order to achieve the aim of this paper several theoretical and practical research methods were used, such as theoretical literature analysis, surveying and grouping. First of all, theoretical research about social media metrics was conducted. Authors collected information about social media metric grouping methods and the most frequently mentioned social media metrics in the literature. The collected information was used as the foundation for the expert surveys. The expert surveys were used to collect information from Latvian marketing professionals to determine which social media metrics are used most often and which social media metrics are most important in Latvia.
Scientific aim: The scientific aim of this paper was to identify if social media metrics importance varies depending on the consumer purchase decision stage.
Findings: Information about the most important and most often used social media marketing metrics in Latvia was collected. A new social media grouping framework is proposed.
Conclusions: The main conclusion is that the importance and the usage frequency of the social media metrics is changing depending of consumer purchase decisions stage the metric is used to evaluate.