Czechoslovak Social Security Scheme in Connection with Association Activity in Ostrava in the 1950s and 1960s

Marie Špiláčková, Nikola Štenclová

Czechoslovak Social Security Scheme in Connection with Association Activity in Ostrava in the 1950s and 1960s

Číslo: 4/2023
Periodikum: Sociální práce

Klíčová slova: historical research, social security, association activity, Czechoslovakia

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Anotace: OBJECTIVE: The aim of the paper is to analyse the activities of the Department of Social

Security and Workforce Councils of the North Moravian Regional National Committee of
Ostrava in the 1950s and 1960s in connection with “association” activities dedicated to social
work. THEORETICAL BASE: In the monitored period, according to Act No. 55/1956 Coll.,
on social security, social security was defined in the form of social care and pension security.
Association activity, which for almost the entire period of its activity was governed by Act No.
134/1867, Coll., on Right of Associations, with its activities and services covered the areas that
fell under social care. METHODS: To determine the research objective, the method of historical
research, and the technique of content analysis, especially of primary sources from the archives
in Opava and Ostrava, were used. OUTCOMES: The result is the finding that social security
was reformed, firmly structured, and the emphasis was placed on its continuous development
through effective planning. The association activity irreplaceably complemented the social security
system by helping to create the organizational structure and economic functioning of social care
areas. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATIONS: The aim deals with common features of professional
activity that was applied in the performance of social care.