Palynologem snadno a rychle

Dagmar Říhová

Palynologem snadno a rychle

Číslo: 2/2017
Periodikum: Biologie-Chemie-Zeměpis

Klíčová slova: pyl, forenzní palynologie, mikroskopické praktikum, pollen, forensic palynology, microscope practice

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Anotace: Pollen grains are omnipresent. Primarily, they belong to the life cycles of most seed plants, but they are also important for

many organisms for various purposes. Pollen is an important component of pollinatorsʹ diet and enables to reconstruct the
landscape and floristic changes that occurred since the last ice age (e.g. when found in peat-land sediments). The discoveries
of pollen grains and their identification come in useful also in criminalistics. This paper presents instruction how to collect
pollen, create pollen sections and use them in secondary school biological lectures.