Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo
Číslo: 2/2024
Pro získání musíte mít účet v Citace PRO.
The life and death of windmills in central Poland
Robert Piotrowski, Maciej Prarat, Zachariasz Mosakowski, Wojciech Bartz
Specifics of stylised shapes of Chinoiserie-style pavilions as the basis of their restoration
Yulia Ivashko, Peng Chang, Andrii Dmytrenko, Justyna Kobylarczyk, Michał Krupa
Adaptation of the architectural and infrastructural post-industrial heritage of underground mines fo...
Mateusz Gyurkovich, Barbara Uherek-Bradecka, Tomasz Bradecki, Jacek Gyurkovich, Magdalena Gyurkovich
The Destruction of Cultural Property of the Muslim Community during the War in Bosnia and Herzegovin...
Jacek Dworzecki, Bernard Wiśniewski, Karol Kujawa