Degrowth from the East – between quietness and contention. Collaborative learnings from the Zagreb Degrowth Conference

Lilian Pungas, Ondřej Kolínský, Thomas SJ Smith, Ottavia Cima, Eva Fraňková, Agnes Gagyi, Markus Sattler, Lucie Sovová

Degrowth from the East – between quietness and contention. Collaborative learnings from the Zagreb Degrowth Conference

Číslo: 2/2024
Periodikum: Mezinárodní vztahy
DOI: 10.32422/cjir.838

Klíčová slova: degrowth, Central and Eastern Europe, quiet sustainability, semi-periphery, catch-up development, post-socialism, global East

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Anotace: While degrowth as a plural and decolonial movement actively invites the Global South to be part of its transformative project, the current North-South dichotomy threatens to miss the variety of semi-peripheral contexts. Against this backdrop, we aim to contribute to dialogues on degrowth from the often-overlooked ‘East’ – specifically post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Instead of being viewed as a site for transformative examples and inspiration for degrowth-oriented socio-ecological transformation, CEE is often portrayed as ‘lagging behind’. Problematising such reductionist narratives, this essay explores CEE as a lively and rich site of postcapitalist alternatives. Based on two special sessions organised at the 2023 International Degrowth Conference in Zagreb, we ref lect upon insights gathered on various degrowth-aligned traditions and practices in CEE with a goal to 1) advance an equitable dialogue between the global degrowth scholarship and the East, and 2) strengthen a context-sensitive degrowth agenda in CEE.