Petra Jeřábková
K otázce evaluace kurikula cizího jazyka na vysoké škole nefilologického zaměření
Číslo: 3/2019-2020
Periodikum: Cizí jazyky
Klíčová slova: university curriculum, curriculum evaluation, foreign language teaching, curriculum recipients
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On the Evaluations of Foreign Language Curricula at Non-Philological Colleges
The university curriculum is characterized by its openness. One of the stimuli of the curriculum
change is its evaluation from the perspective of its recipients. In university practice, evaluation
from the position of students in evaluations surveys is monitored. The empirical research
has revealed major differences in the evaluation of curriculum from the position of students and
graduates, particularly in the assessment of curriculum negatives and proposal for its changes;
while the analysis of results suggest that learner´s assessment should be decisive for changes
in curriculum realization and graduate assessment for the contents of curriculum.
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The university curriculum is characterized by its openness. One of the stimuli of the curriculum
change is its evaluation from the perspective of its recipients. In university practice, evaluation
from the position of students in evaluations surveys is monitored. The empirical research
has revealed major differences in the evaluation of curriculum from the position of students and
graduates, particularly in the assessment of curriculum negatives and proposal for its changes;
while the analysis of results suggest that learner´s assessment should be decisive for changes
in curriculum realization and graduate assessment for the contents of curriculum.