Martina Černá
Vliv her s chemickou tematikou na efektivitu výuky chemie
Číslo: 3/2017
Periodikum: Biologie-Chemie-Zeměpis
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2017.3.1
Klíčová slova: chemophobia, educational game, motivation, school instruction, chemofobie, edukační hra, aktivizace, motivace
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lessons. It describes conduct and results of the educational research, the aim of which was to demonstrate the positive
impact of using games in chemistry lessons. It provides a comprehensive overview of 13 games with chemical themes, including
examples of their application and a brief description of the rules. It also includes a detailed description of one of the
educational games with a chemical theme – Domino (nomenclature of inorganic and organic compounds) at the conclusion
of the text.