Omer Maaitah, Reyad Al Dwairi, Nowf Maaita
Geotechnical Properties of Stabilized Brown Soil in Al-Karak, South Jordan
Číslo: 3/2024
Periodikum: Acta Montanistica Slovaca
DOI: 10.46544/AMS.v29i3.04
Klíčová slova: Brown soil, Lime, Cement, Al-Karak, swelling and shrinkage.
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stabilized for civil engineering construction. Al-Karak climate is an
arid and semi-arid region with long summers and low rainfall, in
which the soil is unsaturated. The mineral content of Al-Karak
brown soil is predominantly quartz and kaolinite minerals.
Incorporating clay, though, keeps the hydraulic conductivity of soil
low, increases the swelling and shrinkage potential, and increases
the loss of strength due to a reduction in cohesion when the
saturation state changes. This work aims to improve the
geotechnical properties of Al-Karak brown soil and clay mixture
with lime or cement. This research's most important results are
enhancing the geotechnical properties of brown soil containing 15
% by weight clay and stabilizing using 1% by weight of lime or
cement, particularly after curing for 28 days. The results indicate
that the early gain in strength is better with cement, whereas its
long-term strength gain is better with lime. Lime is the preferred
choice for stabilization because, like cement, it provides chemical
stabilization. However, lime offers additional advantages, including
greater availability and cost-effectiveness. These benefits make lime
particularly suitable for large-scale projects, such as road
construction, which require substantial quantities of stabilizing