Václav Blažek
Mže a hydronyma jejího povodí ve světle etymologie
Číslo: 1/2024
Periodikum: Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philologica
DOI: 10.14712/24646830.2024.19
Klíčová slova: hydronym; Slavic; Germanic; Celtic; Old European; Indo-European
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In the article the name of the West Bohemian river Mže and its tributaries are analyzed in etymological perspective. In the first plan their Slavic etymologies are analyzed. In the second plan, possibilities of their pre-Slavic origin are verified. In the case of the hydronyms Mže and Úhlava their Germanic and Celtic etymologies are discussed, while the names of other tributaries are of Slavic origin. Finally the process of replacement of the hydronymic nomenclature during changes of dominant languages is generalized in the typological perspective.