Lékař a technika - Clinician and Technology
Číslo: 2/2024
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Enhancing clinical efficiency
Richard Ředina, Marina Filipenska
Inhomogeneity of ultrasound field during sonication experiments in vitro and its influence on the ov...
Martin Snehota, Jaromir Vachutka, Ladislav Dolezal, Klara Balazova, Hana Kolarova
The production of hybrid prosthetic sockets through the integration of 3D printing and conventional ...
Branko Štefanovič, Lucia Bednarčíková, Monika Michalíková, Radovan Hudák, Jozef Živčák
The impact of neuromuscular warm-up on muscle contractility and injury prevention in female soccer p...
Frederika Pajonková, Rút Lenková, Jaroslav Sučka, Matúš Kozel
Arterial blood pressure waveform artifacts detection using short-time fourier transform
Valeriia Trukhan, Josef Skola, Lenka Horakova, Martin Rozanek