Design of instrumented insole for gait dynamics monitoring

Maros Smondrk, Branko Babusiak, Alexandra Kreanova, Ladislav Janousek

Design of instrumented insole for gait dynamics monitoring

Číslo: 1/2024
Periodikum: Lékař a technika - Clinician and Technology
DOI: 10.14311/CTJ.2024.1.03

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Anotace: This article focuses on the design and implementation of a device aimed at monitoring gait dynamics. In clinical settings, gait dynamics are conventionally observed within specialized motion laboratories that rely on camera systems or pressure-sensitive floor mats. Unfortunately, these methods provide clinicians with only a temporally restricted perspective on a patient's health within the hospital environment. The objective of this study is to propose and develop a functional prototype of a measurement device that utilizes force-sensing resistors integrated into a sensorics insole placed within a shoe. By fusion of the 3D printing technology and force-sensing sensors, we developed a wearable prototype consisting of an instrumented insole and wireless data acquisition unit. This approach enables the capture of both static and dynamic parameters of gait, not only in clinical environments but also in non-hospital settings.