The hydraulic turbine is considered as a heart of the hydropower plant because of its important function in the whole process ofelectrical energy production. Turbine ́s efficiency calculation is analytically demanding and dependent on parameters that are o ftenobtained only by a theoretical estimation. Therefore, using its accurate model, which takes into account its efficiency, is necessary toachieve realistic and relevant results. The article briefly surveys current knowledge and methods of designing the hydraulic turbinemodel. The new idea consists in that a fuzzy system was used to create turbine ́s efficiency model based on a measured operating dataof the turbine flow rate and its mechanical speed without any need of knowing exactly the turbine parameters. Such a model can beused in the design and development process of an optimal energy control of a hydraulic turbine, as well as in the effective process ofdetermination the actual turbine’s wear rate. The achieved results were obtained using the computational tools of the Fuzzy Toolboxin the MATLAB.