Jan Dobrovic, Maya Lambovska, Peter Gallo, Veronika Timkova
Non-financial indicators and their importance I
Číslo: 2/2018 Periodikum: Journal of Competitiveness DOI: 10.7441/joc.2018.02.03
Klíčová slova: balanced scorecard, indicators, non-financial indicators, small and medium-sized enterprises, ukazatelé, nefinanční ukazatele, malé a střední podniky
Measuring enterprise performance plays an important role in maximizing business efficiency. A modern business performance measurement tool is the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) method. This method helps assess not only the financial situation of the enterprise, but also indicators, and evaluates non-financial indicators, which is important for achieving the maximum competitiveness of the enterprise. This paper points out the importance of non-financial indicators in small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovakia, using the BSC method as a strategic management tool. Three hypotheses were established and then verified using the method of proportionality of the given phenomenon in the population and the chi-square test of independence. Apartial objective of the study was to find out the existence of a statistically significant link between the use of the BSC method and the importance of non-financial indicators in small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovakia, as the BSC method attaches the same importance to both financial and non-financial indicators. It has been shown that these two variables are related.