GIS-based alluvial fan analysis

Péter Pecsmány, János Vágó, András Hegedűs

GIS-based alluvial fan analysis

Číslo: 3/2024
Periodikum: Acta Montanistica Slovaca
DOI: 10.46544/AMS.v29i3.14

Klíčová slova: alluvial fan, abandoned riverbeds, swath profile, swath analysis, GIS

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Anotace: In this study, we investigate the geomorphological features of the

Eastern part of the North Alföld Periphery, focusing on the alluvial
fans. Density mapping, aspect, directional statistical analysis, and
swath profiling were applied to identify regional spatial patterns and
drainage characteristics. Utilizing historical maps, satellite imagery
and a digital elevation model, we digitized and analyzed the
abandoned riverbeds to understand the landscape's formation,
evolution and current state. The western part of the research area is
primarily formed by the Tarna River alluvial fan, which exhibits
complex development. The middle section, located between Hanyiér and Csincse, comprises coalesced alluvial fans of Bükkalja
streams, shaped by the blockage from larger fans on the western and
eastern edges. The Sajó-Hernád alluvial fan marks the eastern
boundary. The erosion of its ancient western branch reduced the
extent of the Bükkalja alluvial fan system. This research highlights
the need for more detailed studies, including stratigraphy and
seismic profile interpretation, to understand better the tectonic and
sedimentary processes that have influenced the region's
geomorphological evolution.