The application of innovative technologies that foster smart production resources' interconnectivity alongside the virtual spac e thatfacilities to support process simulation makes the technology factor become the center of Industry 4.0. The production process modeling andsimulation can be used to facilitate flexibility and automation of a shop floor. In our previous research, we have created a Do main-SpecificModeling Language (DSML) named MultiProLan, aiming to create production process models suitable for the automatic generation ofexecutable code that enabl es the automatic execution of produ ction processes. As the next st ep, we have proposed research on a DSMLlanguage aimed at Industry 4.0 human worker modeling. Industry 4.0 still considers workers as a cost, while favoring technological aspectsover the workers' wellbeing. Industry 5.0 complements Industry 4.0, focusing on a human-centric approach that puts core human needs andinterests at the top of production processes. Based on our research proposal, here we present a blueprint of the HResModLan DSM Lprototype aimed at the formal specification of a human worker within Industry 5.0. Presented abstract and concrete syntaxes of the languageare tested on a case study of a furniture factory to demonstr ate whether they are a good base for the further development of th eHResModLan language.