Syahri Ramadhana, Razali Razali, Nyak Amir, Sukardi Putra, Yeni Marlina, Ifwandi Ifwandi
Analyze Carbohydrate, Fata and Protein Intake in Nutritional Status Students SMA Negeri 1 Baitussalam Regency Aceh Besar, Indonesia
Číslo: 1/2024
Periodikum: Path of Science
DOI: 10.22178/pos.100-38
Klíčová slova: Intake; Carbohydrates; Fat; Protein; Nutritional Status
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1. Carbohydrate intake with an average nutritional status of -0.4 in the "Normal" category obtained an average value of 299 grams with a threshold value of 81% in the (Good) category, based on the percentage in the "Good" category, namely 16 students with 53%, in the "Less" - eight students with 27% and the "More" - six students with 20%.
2. Fat intake with an average nutritional status of -0.4 in the "Normal" category obtained an average value of 127 grams with a threshold of 143% in the (More) category. In the "Good" category, there are four students with 13%. In the "Less" category, nine students with 30%, and in the "More" category, 17 students with 57%.
3. Protein intake with an average nutritional status of -0.4 in the "Normal" category obtained an average value of 130 grams with a threshold value of 197% in the (More) category. In the "Good" category, there are two students with 7%. In the "Less," one student has 3%, and the "More" has 27 students with 90%.