Česká gynekologie
Číslo: 6/2024
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Gynecological aspects that may affect the risk of preterm birth and the success of embryo transfers ...
Roman Chmel, Marta Nováčková, Zlatko Pastor
Pudendal neuralgia and imaging methods
Tereza Duchoňová, Tomáš Fučík, Jan Dvořák, Jaroslav Tintěra, Dana Kautznerová, ...
Risk of atrial fibrillation in endometrial cancer patients
Dita Münzová, Petra Bretová, Martin Pešl, Vít Weinberger, Luboš Minář, ...
Investigating obstetrics and gynecology forensic cases at a tertiary health center in Turkey to demo...
Çağlayan Ateş, Berna Dilbaz
Comparison of Veress needle and direct trocar technique during laparoscopic initial entry via Palmer...
Yagmur Minareci, Huseyin Oguz Yuvanc
Pap smear and colposcopy findings in female inmates of a prison unit in the state of Sao Paulo, Braz...
Fernando Moreira de Andrade, Soraya Gomes de Amorim Andrade, Edward Araujo Júnior, Adriana Bittencourt Campaner, Maria Antonieta Longo Galvão da Silva, ...
Comparing highly purified human menopausal gonadotropin and recombinant follicle stimulating hormone...
Dilay Gok Korucu, Humeyra Akgun, Mahmut Sami Tutar, Sukran Dogru, Oguzhan Gunenc
Meiotic spindle as a marker of optimal time for oocyte vitrification – presentation of successful in...
Jaromír Mašata, Olga Teplá, Simona Jirsová, Anna Pšeničková, Martina Moosová, ...
Hydrops of a fetus of unknown etiology with the development of severe intracranial hemorrhage
Anna Brandejsová, Hynek Heřman, Petra Hanulíková, Lubomír Hašlík, Alexandra Regendová, ...
Type I congenital vaginal atresia with multiple organ malformations
Can Luo, Xiaoyu Niu, Ling Mei, Yueyue Chen
Malignant transformation of extragenital endometriosis
Martin Hruda, Helena Robová, Borek Sehnal, Anna Babková, Tomáš Pichlík, ...
Estrogenic treatment and liver functions
Jiří Slíva