Sergey Markov, Maxim Tyulenev, Dmitry Dubinkin, Elena Murko
Estimation of Excavator-Automobile Complex Productivity at Changing of Engineering and Geological Conditions
Číslo: 3/2024
Periodikum: Acta Montanistica Slovaca
DOI: 10.46544/AMS.v29i3.11
Klíčová slova: excavator productivity, hydraulic backhoe, heavy autonomous platform, excavator-automobile complex, dump truck productivity, face block, open pit mining, geotechnical system
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face is usually carried out without moving the excavator until the
dump truck is fully loaded. To ensure that the dump truck body is
filled at maximum excavator productivity, the volume of rock mass
in a single removed face block should correspond to the capacity of
the body, taking into account the loosening of rock during
excavation. The article considers the influence of such factors as the
minimum radius of excavator digging at the level of its placement,
the step of excavator movement, the coefficient of rock loosening
during its removal from the massif when working in the mining face,
on the volume of downhole block and the angles of excavator rotation
for unloading, taking into account the safe operation of excavationloading and transportation equipment. As an example, the excavator
Komatsu PC1250 backhoe is considered when paired with a dump
truck BELAZ 7531 (240 tons) when loading coal by top and bottom
digging, with the dump truck below the level of the excavator from
the side of the slope across the strike of the seam.