With the COVID-19 pandemic experiences of Filipino students, the face-to-face mode of instruction in the classroom has been phased out in exchange for online learning platforms such as Google Classroom (GCR) among some K-12 learners. As advised by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), most colleges and universities had to try available learning management systems; hence, this research study aimed to investigate the role of trialability and purposefulness towards GCR acceptance among tertiary institutions following the CHED educational policy. The researchers came up with eight hypotheses, which suggested that purposefulness may influence educational policy and acceptance of GCR. Trialability of GCR may influence educational policy and technical access. One thousand sixty-six (1066) respondents from six public higher institutions of learning were given online questionnaire; however, only 913 users were considered for the structural equation modelling and indirect effect of the suggested factors in this study. Using SmartPLS 3.0, the findings revealed that except for the hypothesis on institutional willingness (p< 0.054), all the hypotheses were highly supported at the level of significance p < 0.00 to p< 0.005. Thus, this study proves that GCR is an appropriate platform for colleges and universities. Trialability and purposefulness are two great factors that contributed to the acceptance and adoption of GCR in higher institutions of learning. Future researchers are therefore encouraged to replicate this study and validate the findings since the use of GCR is relatively new among Filipino teachers and learners.