In this study, the content of As, Cd and Hg in fruiting bodies was determined. These three elements were determined in 94 Macrolepiota procera (Scop.) Singer samples (separately for caps and stems) and their corresponding soils/substrates collected from 8 different localities in Slovakia. Arsenic and cadmium were analyzed by Optical Emission Spectrometry with Inductively Coupled Plasma (OES-ICP), and mercury by Advanced Mercury Analyzer (AMA-254). In the soil/substrate As content varied from ND (not detected) to 11.9, Cd from 0.66 to 22.9 and Hg from 0.02 to 0.28 mg kg-1 DW (dry weight), respectively. In fruiting body stems arsenic content varied from ND to 4.77, cadmium from ND to 5.96 and mercury from 0.03 to 2.83 mg kg-1 DW. In the caps, As content varied from ND to 13.0, Cd from ND to 19.8 and Hg from 0.04 to 4.00 mg kg-1 DW. After comparing obtained results with the EU limits, for As in mushrooms 6.6% (cap) of analyzed samples exceeded the limit value, while for Cd, 4.7% (cap), 2.0% (stem) of analyzed samples exceeded the limit value. Regarding the background values in the soils/substrates of selected elements in Slovakia only Cd exceeded the limits (though almost 82% of samples). Regarding Hg content, all analyzed samples (fruiting bodies and soils/substrates) did not exceed the limit value. The selected monitored localities in Slovakia have been contaminated with trace elements. Some of the analyzed mushroom samples exceeded EU limits, and as such, they can pose a risk to human health.